Event Coverage

Our Event Coverage services are designed for clients looking to capture the essence, key moments, and overall atmosphere of their events, such as conferences, seminars, product launches, corporate gatherings, or social events.

Some Of The Event Coverage Deliverables We offer Are

  • Short Form Reels

  • Long Form Video

  • High-Quality Images

  • Gallery of Clips for Cross-Platform Usage

  • Social Media Strategy

  • Full or Half Production Day

  • Custom Size Media Team

Long Form Video

  • Long form videos are for brands seeking to deeply engage audiences, tell compelling stories, and establish meaningful connections. These are great for brand introductions, explainers, event recaps, service breakdowns and more!

  • Long-form videos can range anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours in length. Some creators on platforms like YouTube produce long-form content that exceeds 30 minutes or even an hour, covering in-depth topics, tutorials, documentaries, or interviews.

Short Form Video

  • Short form videos are essential for modern brands as they capture attention quickly, engage audiences effectively, Can range from 1-30 secs and are perfect to use for quotes, sales, story telling and engagement post and more.

  • Short-form videos are usually under 1 minute in length, with many being even shorter, often just a few seconds.

Photo Gallery

  • Your business photos are often the first introduction to your brand! They can be used to post on social media, in corporate communications, Email Footers, on branding material and much more .

  • The number of photos you need from a branding photoshoot depends on several factors, including the scope of your branding needs, the variety of content you want to produce, and how frequently you plan to update your visual content.

Hourly Event Coverage

Ony need us for a specific event? Well check out some of our hourly packages

Prices Starting at $175 an hour

Monthly Event Retainer

Is your business looking to capture events such as conferences, seminars, product launches, corporate gatherings, or social events multiple times a month? If so, our retainer may be perfect for you. Check out some of retainer packages!

Packages Starting at $1500 a month!

Work With Us 

You will NOT regret it!